Finden Sie schnell stoffbeutel mit kordelzug groß für Ihr Unternehmen: 8 Ergebnisse

Stoffbeutel ,Kleidersack, Einkaufstasche ,Strandtasche

Stoffbeutel ,Kleidersack, Einkaufstasche ,Strandtasche

We are a brand established by Mcs textile company, which produces bags in Denizli. We produce all our products ourselves, we are the manufacturer. The aim of our brand is to produce sustainable products for a greener tomorrow. We believe that we can create a cleaner world by using natural resources sparingly and without harming the nature of our world. Colors and cotton brand is a brand that has adopted sustainability as a principle. We produce environmentally friendly bags with sustainable materials. We are with you with sustainable products to leave a healthy planet for future generations. We are the last generation to be the first to feel the effects of climate change and do something about it. Colors and Cotton is here to support our planet with sustainable, eco-friendly products and services.
(Bio) Kokosblütensirup

(Bio) Kokosblütensirup

Kokosblütensirup wird aus der Blüte der Kokosnusspalme gewonnen und verfügt über einen laktritzartigen Geschmack. Er ist in unterschiedlichen Helligkeitsgraden erhältlich. Kokosblütensirup wird aus der Blüte der Kokosnusspalme gewonnen. Hierzu wird die Blütenknospe angeschnitten, aus der ein Saft austritt – der sogenannte Kokosnektar. Dieser wird anschließend eingekocht, bis ein brauner Sirup entsteht. Kokosblütensirup hat einen leicht karamelligen und laktritzartigen Geschmack und wird für Deserts, Waffeln, Pancakes und Soßen verwendet. Oftmals wird anstatt eines solchen direkten Kokosblütensirup ein qualitativ minderwertiger Sirup aus Kokosblütenzucker hergestellt, wodurch Geschmack und wertvolle Inhaltsstoffe verloren gehen. Erhältlich als: konventionell, bio, fairtrade, naturland, kosher, halal All unsere Produkte bieten wir sowohl in Großgebinden als auch in Endkonsumentengebinden für den Einzelhandel an.


Ihre Speziallisten für die Reinigung von Plattenwärmetauschern Gelötete und geschraubte (gedichtete) Plattenwärmetauscher aller Hersteller Die abgasseitige Reinigung ist notwendig bei: - abnehmender Wärmeleistung - steigendem Druckverlust -eingespülten Verunreinigungen - Ablagerungen aus ungeeigneten Wasserqualitäten - Folgen biologischer oder thermischer Einflüsse Verfahren: - Reinigung vor Ort - Plattenservice - Reinigung und Service in unseren Werkstätten Unsere Dienstleistungen: - Individuelle Beratung für die kostengünstigste Lösung mit den geringsten Stillstandzeiten. - Demontagen und Montagen vor Ort - Lieferung und Montage von Tauschpaketen und Dichtungen der Originalhersteller - Lieferung und Montage kompletter Plattenwärmetauscher aller Fabrikate - Ersatzteillieferungen
Stoffbeutel ,Kleidersack, Einkaufstasche ,Strandtasche

Stoffbeutel ,Kleidersack, Einkaufstasche ,Strandtasche

We are a brand established by Mcs textile company, which produces bags in Denizli. We produce all our products ourselves, we are the manufacturer. The aim of our brand is to produce sustainable products for a greener tomorrow. We believe that we can create a cleaner world by using natural resources sparingly and without harming the nature of our world. Colors and cotton brand is a brand that has adopted sustainability as a principle. We produce environmentally friendly bags with sustainable materials. We are with you with sustainable products to leave a healthy planet for future generations. We are the last generation to be the first to feel the effects of climate change and do something about it. Colors and Cotton is here to support our planet with sustainable, eco-friendly products and services.
Stoffbeutel ,Kleidersack, Einkaufstasche ,Strandtasche

Stoffbeutel ,Kleidersack, Einkaufstasche ,Strandtasche

We are a brand established by Mcs textile company, which produces bags in Denizli. We produce all our products ourselves, we are the manufacturer. The aim of our brand is to produce sustainable products for a greener tomorrow. We believe that we can create a cleaner world by using natural resources sparingly and without harming the nature of our world. Colors and cotton brand is a brand that has adopted sustainability as a principle. We produce environmentally friendly bags with sustainable materials. We are with you with sustainable products to leave a healthy planet for future generations. We are the last generation to be the first to feel the effects of climate change and do something about it. Colors and Cotton is here to support our planet with sustainable, eco-friendly products and services.
Stoffbeutel ,Kleidersack, Einkaufstasche ,Strandtasche

Stoffbeutel ,Kleidersack, Einkaufstasche ,Strandtasche

We are a brand established by Mcs textile company, which produces bags in Denizli. We produce all our products ourselves, we are the manufacturer. The aim of our brand is to produce sustainable products for a greener tomorrow. We believe that we can create a cleaner world by using natural resources sparingly and without harming the nature of our world. Colors and cotton brand is a brand that has adopted sustainability as a principle. We produce environmentally friendly bags with sustainable materials. We are with you with sustainable products to leave a healthy planet for future generations. We are the last generation to be the first to feel the effects of climate change and do something about it. Colors and Cotton is here to support our planet with sustainable, eco-friendly products and services.
Stoffbeutel ,Kleidersack, Einkaufstasche ,Strandtasche

Stoffbeutel ,Kleidersack, Einkaufstasche ,Strandtasche

We are a brand established by Mcs textile company, which produces bags in Denizli. We produce all our products ourselves, we are the manufacturer. The aim of our brand is to produce sustainable products for a greener tomorrow. We believe that we can create a cleaner world by using natural resources sparingly and without harming the nature of our world. Colors and cotton brand is a brand that has adopted sustainability as a principle. We produce environmentally friendly bags with sustainable materials. We are with you with sustainable products to leave a healthy planet for future generations. We are the last generation to be the first to feel the effects of climate change and do something about it. Colors and Cotton is here to support our planet with sustainable, eco-friendly products and services.
Stoffbeutel ,Kleidersack, Einkaufstasche ,Strandtasche

Stoffbeutel ,Kleidersack, Einkaufstasche ,Strandtasche

We are a brand established by Mcs textile company, which produces bags in Denizli. We produce all our products ourselves, we are the manufacturer. The aim of our brand is to produce sustainable products for a greener tomorrow. We believe that we can create a cleaner world by using natural resources sparingly and without harming the nature of our world. Colors and cotton brand is a brand that has adopted sustainability as a principle. We produce environmentally friendly bags with sustainable materials. We are with you with sustainable products to leave a healthy planet for future generations. We are the last generation to be the first to feel the effects of climate change and do something about it. Colors and Cotton is here to support our planet with sustainable, eco-friendly products and services.